no fizz

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2012
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ok, my coopers lager has been conditioned for about a month.... in the fridge for a week or so, popped one open last night and pfftt... nothing, poured it and a bit of a head appeared, all fizzled away and the pint was flat... question.... can i pop them all and add some more sugar to them, leaving them to condition again, or not?... ta
alanywiseman said:
How much sugar did you use? What temp did you condition at?


Did you leave them somewhere warm after adding sugar?

Added about 90g, into barrel when racked it..... Then been under stairs, at @ 20c , for around a month...... After doing thought it may be a bit too little
Just to get this right...
You added sugar to the keg then bottled from that?

Did you ensure that sugar was dissolved before bottling?

I don't brew lager myself but as someone else has aluded to, you may have had the bottled too cold for any condition to develop :wha:
sorry i meant secondary fv.... yes thats what i did... ( typed that when on nights, was i melted the sugar on the hob with a little water, into fv, then racked the brew into it, thus ensuring it was mixed well.... think i just didnt put enough sugar in... as after i sa w someone had put double that.....
Having the same problem, though i used 1 carb drop per 500ml bottle, one week in a warm place then into the garage for a week and they are as flat as, any advice greatly recived
I hate bottling personally therefore almost never do it - I've never used these carb drops - can someone who uses them comment on what they are exactly - is it just a sugar solution or is there more to it than that :wha:
Have 2 bags of these drops but prefer brewing sugar.

According to the pack they are just sugar and glucose. From what I read 1 drop for 330 bt and 2 for 500 bt.
Carbonation drops are just a convenient measure of sugar. One drop is approx half teaspoon of sugar approximately. I've found I needed one drop per 500ml bottle for successful carbonation of an ale or beer. 2 drops for a lager. They are not a cheap way of adding primary sugars but are convenient especially for beginners. I don't use them any more preferring to use a set of cooks measuring spoons and a little funnel, adding half a teaspoon or whatever of plain old household sugar per bottle. I still don't batch prime, preferring to bottle prime. It helps that all my bottles ( or most ) are 500ml pet amber bottles) Occasionally I have to use 1 litre brown glass bottles and these get an extra quarter of spoon of sugar for ales. I find surprisingly if I give the 1 litre bottles a full tsp the ale gets over carbonated and gives me wind !
Thanks for confirming they are just sugar solution guys :thumb:

I wonder whether anyone uses a pippette with their own sugar solution then :hmm: