I just walked,swmbo took the car,didn't want to spill any,bloody sore arms this morning though ðŸËâ
There's loads of reading and advice to be had but the only way to find out is to give it a whirl.Try splitting your wort into two pots and try different methods and find which one you prefer although I imagine it will be vary amongst different styles.I am just starting off and have a couple of brews under my belt using this no chill method but have never got my head around the hop additions. How do you all manage yours. I have read online about delaying all additions by 20min but what happens to the last minute hop additions?
I am just starting off and have a couple of brews under my belt using this no chill method but have never got my head around the hop additions. How do you all manage yours. I have read online about delaying all additions by 20min but what happens to the last minute hop additions?
Don't even bother where chemical is concerned as you can't know for sure what chemical was in them and besides those should be destroyed of properly.There's a guy selling these for 2 quid each not far from me. They are ex chemical containers apparently so that's putting me off slightly but they are supposedly food safe. I was thinking of buying a few as cheap fv 's.
Does anyone know much about cleaning/rinsing chemical residues? Would a good hot oxy soak and plenty of rinsing do the job?
There's a guy selling these for 2 quid each not far from me. They are ex chemical containers apparently so that's putting me off slightly but they are supposedly food safe. I was thinking of buying a few as cheap fv 's.
Does anyone know much about cleaning/rinsing chemical residues? Would a good hot oxy soak and plenty of rinsing do the job?
Any one got anything to add about hop addictions if using the no chill method please.
What I have been doing is keeping some wort back, even the wort that is left in the boiler if you have enough. Pour off the hot wort as normal, the wort you have kept back, (or the remainder from the kettle poured into a jug and let settle)Any one got anything to add about hop addictions if using the no chill method please.