Nitrous oxide: Laughing gas sales to be banned, says Gove

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I don't have a problem with people getting high. As mentioned above, the biggest problem appears to be littering. The government are saying that they want to ban it as a crack down on antisocial behaviour, but is it actually linked to NO2 huffing at all? I've never heard people complain of antisocial behaviour because people are high on NO2 - normally they just seem to go into the park and have a bit if a laugh
They are not making NOS illegal they are banning its sale to those that are going to use it to get high how is that not going to save kids from damaging their health and worse ending up dead.
So why don't they ban alcohol and tobacco? The same can be said for those, and they are a LOT worse
So why don't they ban alcohol and tobacco? The same can be said for those, and they are a LOT worse

Joking aside you smoke a ciggy and drink a beer *the majority don't use either in another way to get high.
*obviously tobacco can be used when making a joint.

I don't see the problem in banning the sale of laughing gas to those that are going to use it to get high and damage their health and i am sure they will make it easy for caterers to get their hands on it, you may not agree and that is your prerogative it however wont change my view.
You don't give birth or go to the dentist every day of the week!

As i said above -
Agreed, but most kids aren’t doing NoS everyday of the week. The mode of delivery is irrelevant, coming from a balloon doesn’t change its chemical make up, risks or effect.

For a political party that advocates small state and personal responsibility it feels like a weird move. But true to form the government are ignoring the advice of the experts.

Like I said it’s a vote winner for all the frothing mouthed, middle England Tory supporters out there who are unable to distinguish between what is legal and what is moral.
Agreed, but most kids aren’t doing NoS everyday of the week.
Pure speculation, they may not be doing it every day but the fact is any amount is harmful.

From my earlier post -

"I was buying ten boxes a week, and each box contained 24 cannisters," she said.
"I started getting pins and needles in my hands and feet, and I was fitting.
"Part of me was in denial at it being linked to laughing gas."

Mollie spent six weeks in rehabilitation and has now recovered, but still has pins and needles in her hands and feet.
"I used to be a great runner and used to dance and now I can't do those things," she said.
The experience inspired her to train to become a nurse.
"When I was in hospital I was speaking to someone and they said I had a great mannerism for [nursing]," she said.
"That was probably the best thing to come out of it all."
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NOS is being limited in birthing suites because if the now know effects. It can't be used unless adequate ventilation if available in many hospitals.
Many drinkers go out for a beer but don't go out to get drunk, everyone that inhales laughing gas does it to get high!
What do you think “relaxing” with a beer after work is? Drinking is so normalised people don’t even realise what they're doing. Adding a couple of units of alcohol to your bloodstream affects your cognition, it’s exactly the same thing.
NOS is being limited in birthing suites because if the now know effects. It can't be used unless adequate ventilation if available in many hospitals.
Good to see some care being taken of NHS staff.

As a side note, I can’t thing of somewhere better ventilated than an outside park
What do you think “relaxing” with a beer after work is? Drinking is so normalised people don’t even realise what they're doing.

It is exactly that and it is legal unlike breathing in laughing gas there is also a guideline of how many units per week its safe to drink no such guideline for breathing in laughing gas.

You appear to be on a mission to prove my views on this wrong believe me you are wasting your time.

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This is all a bit silly when, people are being shot and stabbed on a daily basis people running round with machetes in broad daylight, and all they can come up with is ban laughing gas, god help us
being shot and stabbed on a daily basis people running round with machetes in broad daylight,and all they can come up with is ban laughing gas, god help us

I am no fan of this government but no other government has stopped gun and knife crime in fact i would bet non have even manged to lower it.