Newbie with basic question!!

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Apr 30, 2010
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Apologies in advance for the elementary nature of this question! There is so much wonderful information on this forum but I'm struggling to piece together a plan!

I brewed my third batch of beer a few weeks ago from a kit (next time gonna boil everything up myself I think)
After a week, the gravity still wasn't where it should have been so I gave everything a bit of a stir and gave it another week.

I then syphoned it into a keg to which I had already added about 400g of caster sugar mixed with hot water to prime it.

Another week on and I sampled the brew yesterday. Well it certainly has carbonation and a great head, bu it is way too malty and sweet. I probably overdid the sugar and perhaps it did not ferment properly??

Any suggestions? Can I rectify it? Shall I pop it in the cool shed for a few weeks and see if that improves matters??
Looks liked you've way over primed it.
150 to 200 is the most I like to prime in a barrel.
Leaving it will allow the yeast to convert more of the sugar, but it will be very carbonated and I think will always be on the sweet side.
What was the SG when you primed?
Of course it depends how much fizz you like but with kits I used to prime a 23L batch with 80g of cane caster sugar and this was plenty carbonated for me.
Thanks so much for the replies all!!
Looks like this batch is going to be put down to the school of learning!
I'll check at home tonight what the starting and ending gravities were.

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