Newbie questions for clarification

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Jez Graves

New Member
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hi all,
Probably should spend more time reading and searching to find the answers but there seems to be several ways to do this!
Have got Woodforde's wherry fermenting nicely in the spare room (in a FV!!). I don't have an airlock and have followed the advice from homebrew shop, just resting the lid on. Brew went mad in first day or so - pitched yeast sat afternoon, its now Tues eve - there is still fermentation and bubbles.
Question is - should I snap the lid down now or just leave it resting on the top and is there a point when it should be sealed.
Any advice welcome - thanks very much
Hi Jez

Most FVs have lids that are not fully airtight so now the mad rush is over there is no reason why you cannot fit the lid. Enjoy

snap it down now the initial vigorous ferment has passed.
Me three, definitely get it snapped down not the initial hive of activity has calmed down :thumb:
Great, thanks for the quick response.
Have now snapped down lid. Will have a look again at the end of the week to see how its doing. Tried to buy some patience at the homebrew shop, but apparently they don't sell any!!
Will have to make do with cleaning the barrel in preparation.
Thanks again
I have two Wilco fermentation bins, if I close the lid completely, even after a couple of days, the lid begins to bulge A LOT so I tend to snap the lid all the way round but leave it un-snapped in a small area to allow the gas to escape but to prevent the ingress of contaminants.
Could always snap the lid into place and if it doe's start to "bulge" just ease a small part open and allow the excess CO2 out. With a positive pressure difference no air / oxygen should get into the bit whilst doing this. I've got a Wherry on the go myself, hopefully it'll be a cracking pint! :cheers:
thermalhound wrote " ... I've got a Wherry on the go myself, hopefully it'll be a cracking pint! "

Just started supping mine - it's excellent :drink: Many thanks to who-ever drew my attention to Dunelm's reduced price.

Thanks for all the advice.
Have now snapped lid on - fermentation seems very slow at the mo, but bubbles still on surface. It's been in there a week today so will leave a couple more days before checking the gravity.
If I have any more issues I'll be back in touch!
Thanks again