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New Member
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Everyone, I have joined this forum to learn about homebrewing beer. I have been brewing wine for a few months and decided to try beer aswell.
I have bought a micro brewery kit supplied with StPeter's ruby red ale, which I have started today. I'm really after tips, advice and also to learn some of the terminoligy.
Look forward to learning from you. :cheers:
Hi BS welcome to the Forum ..... I'm new here too and by chance I've just started the same brew :)

The instructions you get with the kit is very minimal so my tip is use the 'Guides' here. The only problem I've encountered so far (day 2) is the weather ..... it's too hot here in London, up as far as 27C today! 18-22 is best I've heard.
Hi Pjam,

Thanks for the welcome message. Where do i find the guides? :wha:
I've been having the same problems with temperature and have packed the brew belt away. How is the brew going? what stage are you at?
Hi Boggy :) Find the 'Guides' OK?

bogsurfer said:
How is the brew going? what stage are you at?

Day 5
I got some very good advice here re the hot weather, one member advised stand your FV in a bucket of cold water (I had nothing big enough, maybe you do) another member suggested wrapping wet towels around the FV, this sounds crude but this evaporation method is effective and it's the method I used.
Lesson learnt, either wait for cooler weather or use a fridge and thermo switch. :geek:

Hope we haven't wrecked it already :?
Thanks for that. Very useful information. :thumb:

Really should have read this first. :oops: Oh well, see what happens!