newbie in search of (a lot of) advice!

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Jun 28, 2009
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hi new to brewing (as in haven't started yet but i do certainly like the idea)

have made wine from a kit before (but i don't like wine really) so i didn't really drink what i'd made lol! (apparantly it was nice though)

basically i've picked up (from other topcs here) that for cider it is better to brew then bottle (and store for a while) as apposed to kegging it.

but what i don't really understand is that when i made wine it had an airlock, and the fermentation buckets for sale in kits don't seem to have any airlocks and i don't fancy drilling a hole in the top of it to put one in (because i know that i'd mess it up!) i have read that people just tend to leave the lid loose so that the CO2 can escape but i was wondering wouldn't this way increase the likelyhood of impuritys and possibly infection which would be annoying especially since you have to take care by sterilising EVERYTHING, but leaving the lid loose and keep removing it to see how things are progressing sounds possibly risky to me.

SO i was wondering if it was a better idea to go for say this: ... -cider.asp

or possibly risk spending slightly more money by buying a bucket with an airlock and getting the rest of the ingredients individually too.

another question: does anybody know if this; ... vt/0075885 allows an airlock to be fitted? (as i can't see the top, and there is no information on wilkinsonplus)

if you recomend buying stuff separatly... could you suggest an easy but nice cider kit (fizzy if possible) to use please?

sorry for all the n00b questions but i want to get it right first time :p
The FV from wilko's comes with a rubber washer in the top, that allows you to put in a airlock into the lid, i know, i have 5 of them!!, so yeah thats your best bet, by the way wilkos are running a offer where you would get the starter kit and get onother 40 pints free, taking it to 80 pints!!! all for £19.99...bargain!! :cheers:
The brew buddy starter kits FV doesn't have a bung/hole for a airlock.

Can't comment on the cider kits, not as many kits on the market as beer and wine kits though! Was thinking of doing a cider kit at some point, was thinking of this one myself

Oh and theres always Turbo Cider? :twisted:
falafael said:
sorry, but how come i have then??

Sorry Falafael, wasn't on about the screwtop FV, was on about the FV bucket you get in the brew buddy starter kit, which as been on offer in wilkos!
whoa didn't mean to start an argument :P

cheers for the replies, ordered most of it now but they were out of airlocks... should be able to buy one from my local wilcos though
sorry there, it does appear like am on one!!!,glad you got it sorted out anyways now, the brewmaster kit fro wilkos is not a bad cider at all, not bad for £9.99, have one ready to drink now!!!!

Just to add a quick note... You can easily brew beer without using an airlock. Once the yeast has formed a head over the beer, it is protected from airborne infections - some people take the lids off at this stage but it's safer to leave the lid on and keep any curious bugs out :sick: . Traditionally, beer was fermented in large open vats.
got the screwtop vat, and the accesories (except the air lock atm (due to selling out online))

the cider i got was young's UBrew.

cheers for the advice eskimobob just thought it might have been a bit risky, but obviously not.
Dann said:
got the screwtop vat, and the accesories (except the air lock atm (due to selling out online))

the cider i got was young's UBrew.

cheers for the advice eskimobob just thought it might have been a bit risky, but obviously not.
If you take a look at My Turbo Cider Brewday you can see what I did, which was to put the cap on and cover up the bung hole (and cap) with some cling film. . . . Its more important fro wine and cider as they do not form the thick yeast cap that Beer does.

right... now the cider has REALLY slowed down (not quite stopped... but getting there)

my next questions are:

- do i still need to steralise all the bottles i use (i'd guess yes but if you lot say it isn't needed then don't really want to make more work for myself than i have to you know).

- i heard coke bottles washed out are okay for bottling as they are designed to take fizzy drinks anyway... just double checking (since you lot seem clued up :P)
Yeah, Sterilse!!! The bottles and rinse out well (Not needed if using no rise sterilser) :D

Coke bottles are fine! I've used them with no problems 500ml & 2L! just prime with sugar (to get the fizz) & fill them up! :thumb:
excellent! thanks mate,

got another question though: how much sugar would i need, and do i stick the sugar in still in the vat or each bottle seperatly?

defenatly looking forward to it!
excellent thanks :) i'll let you know in a few weeks if it has been a success of if my friends turn litigious! :P

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