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New Member
Apr 4, 2013
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I don't think I rinsed after sterilising the fv.
Should I bin it now and start again?

What did you use to sterilise it? It might well be fine, I would ferment it and see what it tastes like when it comes to bottling/kegging

let it ferment, taste it if it tastes like crap then bin it but give it a go. I'm sure I didn't rinse my DJ when I made a kit of strawberry wine and it was lovely.
Never, ever, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever throw your brew away. If you made it, you drink it.... and F*** the consequences! :drink:
:rofl: I like your thinking Ian... :D
I'm keeing it, and starting a bitter in the 2nd fv.
You never said what you used to sterilise with, but whatever it was will be very diluted to be of no harm. It may affect the taste. I used to use sod met years ago and the thinking at the time was don't rinse, but it did put a taste in the beer if you left too much in.
When I see a post like this I thank the Lord (and 5 star chemicals & supply inc.)for Starsan!
bobsbeer said:
You never said what you used to sterilise with, but whatever it was will be very diluted to be of no harm. It may affect the taste. I used to use sod met years ago and the thinking at the time was don't rinse, but it did put a taste in the beer if you left too much in.

Sorry Bob, its "Wilkos Bruclens Cleaner and Steriliser " Sodium Percarbonte.

It does say "avoid contact with Skin or eyes. If swallowed, seek medical advice!" - humm. safety first is telling me to bin this batch and start again... lol
Is it just me, or does that wilkos cleaner have a slightly fishy kinda smell to it, if you can't smell it in the fv, brew on, and maybe tattoo Rinse along your knuckles?
hb21l6n said:
humm. safety first is telling me to bin this batch and start again... lol

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. It will be fine. You are going to have less than 1 part per million of chemical in there. The worst thing it will do is oxidise your brew. Wikipedia"...Dissolved in water, it yields a mixture of hydrogen peroxide (which eventually decomposes to water and oxygen) and sodium carbonate ("soda ash")..." I would let it fermenting and taste it. If bad then bin it. What have you got to lose?
MadrikXIV said:
Is it just me, or does that wilkos cleaner have a slightly fishy kinda smell to it, if you can't smell it in the fv, brew on, and maybe tattoo Rinse along your knuckles?

Don't worry.. I've learnt my lesson with this one...
won't be doing that again..
bobsbeer said:
peelman said:
humm. safety first is telling me to bin this batch and start again... lol

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. It will be fine. You are going to have less than 1 part per million of chemical in there. The worst thing it will do is oxidise your brew. Wikipedia"...Dissolved in water, it yields a mixture of hydrogen peroxide (which eventually decomposes to water and oxygen) and sodium carbonate ("soda ash")..."

Ok,, I'll leave it going, & see what I get in a few weeks.. :pray:
Well, it's been bottled for 3 weeks and I just had to try one..
It tastes great...

Thanks for talking me out of pouring it away.

H all, long time since I last posted..
That last batch I made turned out to be a dud.

It again tasted like liquorice.. Grrr.

Full belts and braces this time.
I'm filtering the water in one of them house hold watering jugs.
Added qtr tablet of campden to sort out any chlorine / chloimine .
New keg

Trying Geordie Yorkshire bitter.

Fingers crossed..
I wouldn't filter in one of those jugs myself. I always imagine the filter is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Having said that, I have used water filtered in my under-the-counter filter before now, which I don't suppose is any better, really.

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