Newbie Brewer

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New Member
Mar 23, 2013
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Hi There. Looking at brewing ale/bitter in our victorian larder. Its 8 foot by 4 foot, unheated with original slate shelf, three external walls & two louvered "windows" with fly screens (no glass). Pretty much as it was when used to hang the pheasants! So, it gets cold in winter (2 degrees) and cool in summer (?) I've always wanted to make it a useful space but we don't hang pheasants and its too far from the kitchen for useful storage.

Started looking at Coopers Kits, but prefer to invest in something more serious/long lasting that will be more of a permanent fixture in the room. Anyhow, I'm wondering what kind of fermentor set up might serve me best in the long term, recognizing that I might have to heat it during the winter?

So, my introduction turned into a question! Regardless, nice to say hello to what looks like an interesting forum. Just got to figure out which part to post this question in. :thumb:

Thx for the welcome. Should add that I'm not into DIY & somewhat prejudiced against plastic. Don't mind spending some ££s for something future proof...
Whatever you build is going to need heating even in summer, probably, definitely in winter. Ideal for storage of finished stuff though!
Welcome to the forum :cheers:

Have a search for fermentation fridge. It's a fridge (funny that) with a tube heater in it, both connected to a device which regulates the temperature (STC1000). They are simple to build and very effective. :thumb:
I've been looking into exactly that, Joe. Are you thinking that the fridge should cool? I happen to have a defunct under-counter fridge in that room. But, I'm hopeless at DIY. Any links to very clear instructions for the fridge/STC1000 would be welcome! Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Have a read of this

Yes the fridge should cool and a heater to heat. They both get connected to a STC1000 which tells which one on turn on when. Th STC's can be brought off ebay for £15-20 and you can wire it up. I'd you are not comfortable doing that, search for cedaronics. They have some nice pre-made ones :thumb: