New podcast on italian craft beer & homebrewing scene!

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Nov 21, 2012
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Hi! My name is Tony Manzi and I'm an italian homebrewer.

I’m very proud to announce the first edition of the podcast “Birradio” totally….in english!

"Birradio" is the first italian podcast on craft beer and homebrewing. In this show, you can listen Lisa Morrison, aka “the goddess of beer” a...nd author of the book “Craft Beers of the Pacific Northwest“, and canadian beer-writer Stephen Beaumont, co-author of the newest “The World Atlas of Beer“ as they talk about their samplings of italian craft beer in Rome. All the interviews are commented by one of the most talented italian beer-writer and journalist, Maurizio Maestrelli.



p.s.: forum rules do not permit any off-site URLs, so check out the podcast's site on google with the word "Birradio"
Hi and welcome :thumb:

I am currently planning my honeymoon and it is going to be a wee trip around Italy as me and the soon to be missus are big foodies and love Italian grab. I will download and get prepared for some Italian craft beer.
alanywiseman said:
Hi and welcome :thumb:

I am currently planning my honeymoon and it is going to be a wee trip around Italy as me and the soon to be missus are big foodies and love Italian grab. I will download and get prepared for some Italian craft beer.

Wow, that' good news! :cheers:

So, where are you planning to go in Italy (and when)? Let me know, maybe I can get you good advices and help to visit some "foodie" or "beery" places worth it!


Hi Tony,
I'll give it a listen as it sounds interesting.
I know nothing about the Italian beer scene so many thanks for for this.
Hi Anthony hope you'll enjoy my podcast! :thumb:

There is a lot going on here in Italy on craft beer. Just a few numbers: in less than 10 years, microbreweries have burtsed from 10-15 in 2000, to almost 450 in 2012! Many of them use local ingredients (like chestnuts, wine-grapes, peaches, honey...) with beautiful results. Many bitters & ales too. And lots of food-pairing types (I tried once a beer that was said suitable for asparagus dishes: delightful!)

Let me know what you think about the podcast!

cheers! :cheers: (love that smiley!)

clarkent_it said:
alanywiseman said:
Hi and welcome :thumb:

I am currently planning my honeymoon and it is going to be a wee trip around Italy as me and the soon to be missus are big foodies and love Italian grab. I will download and get prepared for some Italian craft beer.

Wow, that' good news! :cheers:

So, where are you planning to go in Italy (and when)? Let me know, maybe I can get you good advices and help to visit some "foodie" or "beery" places worth it!



Currently heading to Venice then Rome then further south. Only at planning stage currently but will be going to Rome for sure. My wedding is not till the end of May so will reach Italy in June. When I have things more definte I may take you up on your offer and PM you :thumb:
Birradio is back with it's second podcast in english! :-)

This time, we spoke with maybe the most internationally known Italian beer evangelist ever. His name is Lorenzo Dabove, also known as "Kuaska".
In the news section, Birradio talks about "Birra dell'anno", the most important contest for italian craft beer -organized by italian's brewers association, Unionbirrai, that will take place in February in Rimini.
We also spoke with Riccardo Franzosi from Birrificio Montegioco, that was elected -in Stephen Beaumont's classification- as European brewery of the year 2012!

www - DOT - birradio - DOT - it