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Active Member
May 23, 2013
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Hi i'm funkyslime
I've been kit brewing about 8 months still learning still enjoying it .
had good results with darker brews stouts bitters etc but struggling with lighter ones pilsner wheat lager
never seem to carbinate enough work in progress though so thats what i'm concentrating on at the moment looking forward to picking up some good advice and maybe in the future giving some out so cheers guys.
current brews
fv only have room for 1 woodfordes sundew

bottle conditioning coopers canadian blonde

drinking a bit flat wilko pilsner
pressure seems to be building nicely in the Canadian blonde .
Only used 1/2 level tsp per 500ml for the wilko pilsner really heaped it up for Candian blonde seems to have done the trick
3 gms of sugar for ales and beers ( half a cooks teaspoon )
5 or 6gms of sugar for lagers etc.

( thats for 500ml bottles )

multiply by your volume if batch priming.
