I'm Michael, living in Barnsley.
I got a Coopers Lager kit more than a year ago as a gift, and only used it recently whilst trying to save money for baby stuff. Wish I had used it earlier - loved the first brew. Second coopers lager is conditioning in bottles, so it will be interesting how it will turn out with recent temps.
I've joined in order to learn more, as it would be nice to brew something more challenging than coopers next time.
I'm Michael, living in Barnsley.
I got a Coopers Lager kit more than a year ago as a gift, and only used it recently whilst trying to save money for baby stuff. Wish I had used it earlier - loved the first brew. Second coopers lager is conditioning in bottles, so it will be interesting how it will turn out with recent temps.
I've joined in order to learn more, as it would be nice to brew something more challenging than coopers next time.