I can't believe other costs work out at 20p a pint...and I don't mean I don't believe you're right, I'm just shocked it's that low. :shock: :thumb:
That ��ã3.80 breaks down into:
��ã2.60 for the pub including VAT.
50p for me.
20p duty.
30p to the brewery.
20p other costs.
Other costs include utilities, grain, hops, cleaning and maintenance. These figures were obtained from Dave Porter at PBC.
As far as a specific agreement with the pub and/or brewery are concerned, that is something that would have to be thrashed out as and when.
And the average cask is sold to a pub, or into the SIBA chain for about ã65-ã70 on average. As low as ã55 in some cases.
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It would cover running costs and possibly up to 5p in a pint of start up repayments. Which on a 2.5bbl a week brew would be about ã36.