Hi guys,
Thought I'd just drop a message to say hello - I've been lurking here for a bit, getting all sorts of advice and recommendations from searching through the forum and though it would have been rude of me not to say anything :)
Currently a new (kit) brewer, my first kit being Woodeford's Great Eastern Golden Ale. I managed to blag a FV and airlock which had been laying dormant in a family member's garage for a fair few years and set the lot going about 10 days ago.
I gave it seven days in the FV, by which time it had pretty much stopped working, and kegged it up in a King Keg.
I gave it two days in the house, then relegated it to the garage yesterday evening. I was in the garage tonight sterilising a fridge I have been given (soon to be fermenting cupboard!) and couldn't resist a taste from the keg. It's unbelievable! It's slightly cloudy, as I would expect, but taste-wise, I'd be happy to be served it in a pub!
I'm actually quite surprised, given the number of mistakes I realise I made, having now read lots on this forum; I used a wooden spoon, I didn't treat the water with campden tablets, it brewed at less than optimum temperatures, I used granulated table sugar instead of spraymalt, and I also let the beer oxygenate as it poured from the FV to the keg! But if it survived all that and still turned out good, the future looks bright!
Can't wait to have a look at AG, but want to get a couple more kits under my belt first I think.
Thanks again for all the advice you guys have given on this forum - looking forward to hanging around here a fair amount from now on :)
Thought I'd just drop a message to say hello - I've been lurking here for a bit, getting all sorts of advice and recommendations from searching through the forum and though it would have been rude of me not to say anything :)
Currently a new (kit) brewer, my first kit being Woodeford's Great Eastern Golden Ale. I managed to blag a FV and airlock which had been laying dormant in a family member's garage for a fair few years and set the lot going about 10 days ago.
I gave it seven days in the FV, by which time it had pretty much stopped working, and kegged it up in a King Keg.
I gave it two days in the house, then relegated it to the garage yesterday evening. I was in the garage tonight sterilising a fridge I have been given (soon to be fermenting cupboard!) and couldn't resist a taste from the keg. It's unbelievable! It's slightly cloudy, as I would expect, but taste-wise, I'd be happy to be served it in a pub!
I'm actually quite surprised, given the number of mistakes I realise I made, having now read lots on this forum; I used a wooden spoon, I didn't treat the water with campden tablets, it brewed at less than optimum temperatures, I used granulated table sugar instead of spraymalt, and I also let the beer oxygenate as it poured from the FV to the keg! But if it survived all that and still turned out good, the future looks bright!
Can't wait to have a look at AG, but want to get a couple more kits under my belt first I think.
Thanks again for all the advice you guys have given on this forum - looking forward to hanging around here a fair amount from now on :)