New Brewer in Bedford

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New Member
Mar 27, 2017
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Hi Guys,

I joined the forum a few days ago and have been reading as much as possible as (most new brewers do) I have many questions that need answering!!!

I will try and apply some brevity as I could end up veering off into a vast diatribe!!!

My friend and I have started a Youngs APA Kit on Saturday, so 5 days in. We are of course being patient and have the FV well sealed and untouched at a good ambient temp. We have 23l on the go and once fermentated/dry hopped will rack in to DJ's for conditioning. We plan on treating this as a bit of an experiment and try different flavours in each of the Demis, including a standard base beer for comparison (I know, we are probably getting well ahead of ourselves for the first go).

So, the questions:

1. The FV is currently on the Kitchen table near a North facing window. Although not in direct sunlight, it will be subjected to UV rays nonetheless. Should the FV be wrapped in order to protect the beer and fermentation process?

2. The dry hops pellets provided were Centennial and Columbus. I was hoping to add some more tropical flavour and potentially add Citra and Galaxy (possibly Simcoe). I don't want to go too crazy with the number of hops in the dry hopping process. Is there a general consensus on how many hop variants that can be used when dry hopping? Is for too many or OK?

3. Would it be possible to rack the beer into DJs prior to dry hopping, then DH the beers in the DJs with varying hops in each DJ?

4. We were considering making a fruit variant and adding sterilised fruit/fruit syrup/puree during the racking process. Does anyone have any knowledge of previous threads that could advise on this subject.

Thank you for help and knowledge.

Hello! The youngs kits are really start I'd just make it as standard you won't be disappointed! Don't be in to much of a could take 2 weeks + to hit fg. I dry hop in the same fv. Putting a thick towel around it is OK or if you are sure you can maintain temp a black bin liner is OK.


Yeah keep it out of the sunlight and as Clint says probs best just to brew this kit standard as its a damned good kit IMHO.
I find that adding fruit syrup to any beer makes little difference as the yeast just ferments it out.
Only transfer to your DJ if absolutely necessary as it increases the risk of an infection. Welcome to the forum and happy days

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