new beer gun

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Mar 16, 2013
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today I got my beergun and decided to try it out. I currently smell like beer as I managed to get it just about everywhere except in the bottles, I think in know what I was doing (and did) wrong so I will be better equipped for next time.

had fun though :)
I may of just over carbonated my beer... I forgot about the whole chilling thing so I think I put about 20 psi in and chilled to 2c...

Bad move.
Don't forget to lower the pressure, you really only need a maximum of five psi to dispense with the gun
Tbh I think I should of only carbonated at 5psi lol, ho hum I know for next time :)
well I went at finishing he keg into bottles today, went really really well...

only got 3 bottles before running out but it went smoothly as anything, im looking forward to bottling a whole batch with it now.
im just waiting for a secondary regulator to arrive and all will be perfect, truth be told I am now planning to use my cornie purely as a carbonation stage before bottling my beer as most of it goes walkies with me to friends houses. im thinking of using it to fill mini kegs also so they can get a bit rattled up without going cloudy.
some pictures of a step by step process for those of us that want and don't have would be really good , this sounds like i'd like as bottling is too slow at times .
it isn't fast by any means but its what you get as an end result. I would say a bottle takes 20 seconds to fill but you end up with sediment free, carbonated bright beer.
next time I bottle I will take some pics but if you youtube it there is a northern brewer video that is very good.