I registered for an account today and placed a small order.
Site nice and easy to navigate, look forward to an expanded range though.
Basket and checkout was easy to use.
The only point I would make (and it is very small and nit picky
) is that where you need to check for acception T&C's at stage 3.
If you go in and read the T&C's the only way you can get back to you order (clicking back on your browser will give an expired page for security) is to click on checkout again which takes you back to stage 1.
Although it then only takes a few clicks to get back to where you were some may find this frustrating, or not find their order again and start shopping again and have a basket with 2 of everything.
So maybe a click for "return to order process"
Anyways, liked the site quick and easy to register an account and quick checkout. :thumb: