The recipe is:
2 oz hops
2 lemons
1.5 oz cream of tartare
10 carrier bags of nettle tops
1.5 oz bruised root ginger
3lb sugar
5 gallon water
Basically I boiled up the washed nettles, ginger, lemons and hops then strained onto the other ingredients (minus yeast). I added the yeast when the mash was 70 degrees. I first tried to rehydrate the dried yeast but probably did not leave it long enough with the small quantity of liquid before I added it to the bulk. I then added more yeast nutrient to the mash and sprinkled dried yeast onto it too. I did get a small quantity of froth but nothing else. There are no visible signs that the yeast is working and the SG has remained unchanged at 1.035. I thought that the temperature might be too cold at night and have recently put the brewing bin into the airing cupboard in order to elevate the temperature at night.