Well there's a bunch of things you could do that might help, even if some are rather fiddly. Especially if your fermenter has a tap so you can bottle straight from it:
- absolutely don't rack into secondary or bottling bucket. Don't even open the fermenter after you've added dry hops.
- If you cold crash, use balloon over airlock during fermentation or seal up the fermenter if you can.
- use sodium metabisulfite (campden tablets) as suggested by
brulosophy (don't know if this works but can't hurt!) They suggest .4g for a full batch which is about 1 tablet, so crush, dissolve in a little boiled water and then dose each bottle, I guess.
- put priming sugar (carb drops, sugar, solution, whatever) in the bottles too, before you start.
- minimal splashing and full as you dare bottles
- cap each bottle as soon as you fill it
- Drink soon, indeed!