Neil Morrisey Brewing Channel 4

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Well they definitely brewed the first two batches - not sure if a 10 BBL brewery would be able to supply the likes of the big supermarkets :hmm: - maybe it would - no idea how much supermarkets shift :wha:
what about the fact that on the first batch they left the fermenter in a room with a window EB? and they had zero temperature control, also i'm not 100% but did they have more than one batch when they brought it for testing on the streets? Dam now i have to watch it again :twisted:
A T said:
So who's brewing the beer? the two guys with the 10bbl brewery?
Did I read somewhere that the beer is brewed in Burton-on-Trent? :wha:
from part 1, "there is some worrying statistics out there but they were dumb people, i'm sorry if you had you're pub closed down, go back to school" I dislike this guy more every time he talks
I've heard it's being brewed by Croptons (sp?), Brains and someone in the Burton or Wolverhampton area.
A T-what do you expect? He's a two bit actor. :lol: :lol: :lol:
He's made me laugh when they were watching the focus group talk and NM said that people were afraid of anything new and that they've created a brewing style never been done before!! really!? a blonde ale is new then!!? He really needs to pull in that big head of his, it may sound bitter but i'd love this 'venture' to fall flat on its face, he's a grade A p***k!
Louthepoo said:
He's made me laugh when they were watching the focus group talk and NM said that people were afraid of anything new and that they've created a brewing style never been done before!! really!? a blonde ale is new then!!? He really needs to pull in that big head of his, it may sound bitter but i'd love this 'venture' to fall flat on its face, he's a grade A p***k!

:clap: Well Said there Lou. Paul over at The Real Ale Blog thinks he's a tosser too

A couple of my mates have been to their pub and sampled their beer and didn't think much of it. Apparently there was a sign on the wall inviting people to turn up on Tuesday and meet "Steve the Brewer" ! Frauds and W*nkers
J_P said:
Louthepoo said:
He's made me laugh when they were watching the focus group talk and NM said that people were afraid of anything new and that they've created a brewing style never been done before!! really!? a blonde ale is new then!!? He really needs to pull in that big head of his, it may sound bitter but i'd love this 'venture' to fall flat on its face, he's a grade A p***k!

:clap: Well Said there Lou. Paul over at The Real Ale Blog thinks he's a tosser too

A couple of my mates have been to their pub and sampled their beer and didn't think much of it. Apparently there was a sign on the wall inviting people to turn up on Tuesday and meet "Steve the Brewer" ! Frauds and W*nkers

Don't let the truth get in the way of good PR :cheers:
Well lets face the facts, that Fox idiot is a chef and he couldn't run a restaurant without putting it into liquidation so the obvious step forward was to join up with another idiot he drinks with and go into something the both obviously know nothing about. It's a no brainer, no really it is :lol: What a farce of a show, of course i will be following it so i can criticise it some more :lol:
A T said:
Well lets face the facts, that Fox idiot is a chef and he couldn't run a restaurant without putting it into liquidation so the obvious step forward was to join up with another idiot he drinks with and go into something the both obviously know nothing about. It's a no brainer, no really it is :lol: What a farce of a show, of course i will be following it so i can criticise it some more :lol:

Well I think it's vaguely interesting although I suspect it's editted by a complete cretin. I also susect there's a lot of fakery going on. :nono:

Good time to start a micro though, with the interest this series is going to bring.

And fwiw, my ugly mug is now up on the website. I'll leave it as a exercise for the reader to find the website.
And just to add, JB looks like me a bit 15 years ago. Although only half as good looking i might add.
prodigal2 said:
J_P said:
Louthepoo said:
He's made me laugh when they were watching the focus group talk and NM said that people were afraid of anything new and that they've created a brewing style never been done before!! really!? a blonde ale is new then!!? He really needs to pull in that big head of his, it may sound bitter but i'd love this 'venture' to fall flat on its face, he's a grade A p***k!

:clap: Well Said there Lou. Paul over at The Real Ale Blog thinks he's a tosser too

A couple of my mates have been to their pub and sampled their beer and didn't think much of it. Apparently there was a sign on the wall inviting people to turn up on Tuesday and meet "Steve the Brewer" ! Frauds and W*nkers

Don't let the truth get in the way of good PR :cheers:

A Fair Point there P2. Some mates of mine were discussing the program and were of a similar opinion to myself on it. They then said that they would go and visit the pub !!???? If you drink his beer he wins, don't encourage him, I realise that I'm talking about which is what he wants so with that said I'll say no more about the program :lol:
Now, now son. Don't get lippy or you'll be early to bed with no supper.

I've just read the write up for tonight programme, inc the fact it's the last one.
I bet the brewery installation gets a 5 min slot and their first beers perfect

hedge your bets :rofl: :drink:
last one? you mean they only bothered to make three episodes?

how crap!