Need to take a sample for hydrometer from fermenting bin wit

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Jan 11, 2013
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My first attempt in 5 years. I've always had a fermenting bin with a tap. But this bin doesn't have one. I need a sample to test the hydrometer reading. Any ideas how best to do that? Syphon (sterilised) some out? Or a better method? Offers of advice gratefully received!
If you've got a sample jar to fit your hydrometer then it's best to use a sanitised turkey baster to remove the wort. If not you'll just have to sanitise your hydrometer and put it directly into the fv, it's just a bit harder to get an accurate reading this way
Flush trial jar and hydrometer under tap.
Shake dry
Place hydrometer into trial jar and dip whole thing into wort.
Take reading and pour trial jar contents back into wort.
Re-rinse trial jar and hydrometer, put away.