Need Some names for wine

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local lad

New Member
Oct 4, 2012
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I've got a few bottles of wine to give for presents. and we need some names for them just to make them a little bit more special.

i have most of them but just need some for

S and C

local lad said:
I've got a few bottles of wine to give for presents. and we need some names for them just to make them a little bit more special.

I was thinking of branding my wines "I can't believe it's not turps" :D

Abiruth said:
local lad said:
I've got a few bottles of wine to give for presents. and we need some names for them just to make them a little bit more special.

I was thinking of branding my wines "I can't believe it's not turps" :D


That gets my vote!
how about Home craft Wines ,or Craft wines or what ever that is in french or italian then add red/white (french etc ) can't be bothered to translate . Remember people already think homebrew is like battery acid so don't give it a name that suggests that's what it is (imo)
pittsy said:
how about Home craft Wines ,or Craft wines or what ever that is in french or italian then add red/white (french etc ) can't be bothered to translate . Remember people already think homebrew is like battery acid so don't give it a name that suggests that's what it is (imo)

The landlord of my local thinks he's a wine connoisseur and when I told him I was now producing my own wine (for which he gives me loads of bottles) his reaction was "yeah but its not proper wine if it isn't made with grapes". My reply was that it was better than the £2.99 batery acid that he sells!

However we decided to set up a tasting. A bottle of mine against any white wine he wanted to serve. He stuck with the cheap plonk that he usually charges £2.70 a glass for which to me was an insult because he thought it was still going to be better than mine.

They were served from identical bottles and the results surprised me. Although I knew people would like mine, I was surprised that people who usually drink his rubbish were rejecting it because they thought it was the 'home brew'! How proud was I :party: :party:

Which to me just proves that 'wine snobbery' is alive and well and anything which is made at home has to be 'battery acid'. Of course we all know the reverse is true but it was a good experiment and which still gives me plenty of 'bragging rights' :lol: :lol:
pittsy said:
how about Home craft Wines ,or Craft wines or what ever that is in french or italian then add red/white (french etc ) can't be bothered to translate .

vin rouge élaboré à la maison de <name> :thumb:

sounds like something you would pay £10 a bottle for :)
I named my recent wine ShitHouse Wine Specialists!!! Classy i know, check out my recent post (Cal Con white zinfandel shot) its got a nice image and looks canny good if i do say so myself!! :D


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