Nasty taste, please help!!!!

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Active Member
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
Telford, UK
First of all my apologies, this isn't a query about equipment nor even necessarily about brewing. My rather disturbing problem is related to the tasting of beer itself. Not just homebrew but real ales and lagers. I don't know who else to turn to.
Right, so the problem, basically over the last few weeks I have been
experiencing an unpleasant bitter after taste that lingers for a long time. It's like somebody has sprayed perfume in my mouth. It happens with most lagers and (this must be relevant) hoppy beers, which used to be my favourite type. Now I don't feel like drinking beer at all. Please help, why has this just suddenly started and is there a way to stop it.
Have you changed dishwasher tablets or washing up liquid recently :?
teabicky said:
First of all my apologies, this isn't a query about equipment nor even necessarily about brewing.
Well in that case I think I'll move it to the Snug, as I can't think where else it belongs :wha:

Sorry I can't offer any advice on your problem though, that does sound pretty serious :eek:

Is this beers in pubs as well as at home?

Have you changed your diet in any way, or are you on any medication?

Has the wife topped up your life insurance lately or do you seem to be getting more deliveries from the milkman or postman?

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