Naming your beer?

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Mar 24, 2012
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Barry, South Wales, UK
Do any of you name your beers (not each one :nono: ) If so how do you decide on your names?

I have taken to naming mine and making labels, the names are roads/srteets that me or the wife have lived or want to live :)

My favourite so far is Blackberry Drive - Just thought it sounded good :)
Call my brewery the old coppice brewery as we live overlooking an old coppice as for names well i just make them up
I name all mine unless it's an exact clone, or exact recipe that somebody else has already named. So far I haven't followed a single recipe exactly, so I've named all my beers.

Being the heavy metal head that I am, mine are usually heavy metal band or imagery related, with the brewery name being Satan's Hollow. Thinking of the names is part of the fun for me.
Most of mine are Paranormal / witch / Ufo related, Cos I like the occult dark side of life.
i think beer naming is very subjective, to be systematic i believe some choose names based on beers it reminds them off, hops and grains used or the occasion its for etc. othertimes its just random words that fit nicely having imbibed suffient quantitys of the beer in question
Mine are sometimes a play on the name of the beer I cloned, but since they are usually bastardised a bit I never call them ABC Clone . So Proper Job IPA became Odd Job, Fullers ESB became Pride of Manchester (I know Fullers London Pride is Different to the ESB) my Old Tom Barley Wine (which features a cat on the label) is now Old Jake after my dog. Just haven't really come up with a name for my Traquair House Clone :wha: :wha:

Oh and my stout is Alemans Effin Oatmeal Stout so that can't be changed. :lol: :lol:
Muddydisco said:
Most of mine are Paranormal / witch / Ufo related, Cos I like the occult dark side of life.
:shock: :shock: :shock:

I used to name beers but gave up a few years back. But I did give the one that came 3rd at the hot break a name.
My names are just made up and not very imaginative...I will now be making labels though as I just started bottling in Glass bottles and am waiting on some self-adhesive printer paper to be delivered :thumb:

AG#1 was "Awesome Ale" - mainly because I was really excited about it being my first AG and I had high hopes....

AG#2 was "Stoutmageddon" - as I wanted it to sound scary and impressive, i.e. the stout to end all stouts...

AG#3 was "Scotch Ale" - as its in the style of a Scottish 80 shilling

AG#4 - was orginally called "random ale" as it was just a fudged together recipe of left over random grains and hops...i've now decided it should be called "Brown booze"..well...because its brown...and its booze... :grin:
Not named any yet, I try not to get to attached once they're bottled because I know the poor wee things won't be with us for long :drink:
alawlor66430 said:
Not named any yet, I try not to get to attached once they're bottled because I know the poor wee things won't be with us for long :drink:

:thumb: :drink:
Till now I've named all mine, some can be seen in the sig below. But suspect I might run short of ideas at some point. Although all are created in BeerSmith and it expects a name so who knows. I like to use song titles whenever I can and particularly liked my Cascade only beer which I called Rhythm Of The Rain, as that was recorded by the Cascades :party: . Anyway, ahem, I have my first Scottish Ale on the stocks next and have decided to call it Kilt Lifter :whistle: .
I was going to name my first wine "Hill Valley"... then I realised that's where Marty McFly lives :lol:

Still might actually lol
Anyway, ahem, I have my first Scottish Ale on the stocks next and have decided to call it Kilt Lifter :whistle: .

B*gger - that was going to be the name for my Whiskey Dubbel! :hmm:

Oh well, might use it anyway! :grin:

Did my first couple of brews around St George's Day, so ended up with St George's Dark Side (porter, and I'd just joined the dark side) and Three Dragons Trippel.

Got a stout that still needs a name - brewed on Friday the 13th!

Orlando! I think Born to be Mild is one of the greatest named beers I've heard of, another great is ZZ Hop which was also somebody on here about a year ago.
I make kit beers so the beers get called what the manufacturer says it is. However in my brewing log I usually assign an unofficial name to them to remember something at the time of brewing.
For instance my first Red Ruby Ale was bottled too early and was still very cloudy... so it got called Muddy Waters
My Coopers Dark Ale was called DB ale too carbonated and tasted like Dandelion& Burdock
My first Better Brew IPA was called Lewinsky due to its large er... froth on the top of the brew
my failed Toffee Apple Cider was called TAC and it was.
Mexican Cerveza got nicknamed Yul. ( Yul Brynner in magnificent 7 and the little mexican man asking for help twirling his hat ) :roll:
Muntons Old Conkerwood Ale is recorded provisionally as Conkers until I taste it
dennisdk2000 said:
Anyway, ahem, I have my first Scottish Ale on the stocks next and have decided to call it Kilt Lifter :whistle: .

B*gger - that was going to be the name for my Whiskey Dubbel! :hmm:

Oh well, might use it anyway! :grin:

Did my first couple of brews around St George's Day, so ended up with St George's Dark Side (porter, and I'd just joined the dark side) and Three Dragons Trippel.

Got a stout that still needs a name - brewed on Friday the 13th!


I was going to suggest something along the lines of stout like Friar Tuck (he was stout) or Falstaff, you get my drift and then I saw the Friday 13th reference, so I won't bother.
dennisdk2000 said:
Anyway, ahem, I have my first Scottish Ale on the stocks next and have decided to call it Kilt Lifter :whistle: .

B*gger - that was going to be the name for my Whiskey Dubbel! :hmm:


How about Large One! or You Only Drink Twice.
first 2 all grains were Dunfie's Californication recipe and second was Deuchars IPA clone so didn't name them, 3rd was a Wit beer recipe so decided to call it Wit's Yer Poison, 4th AG was brewed the day before I went to Lanzarote so came up with Lanza-Hoppy. no real thought goes into naming the brews, I don't bother making up special labels, i just write AG2/3/4 (date bottled) and % on it.

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