my water report

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Feb 15, 2012
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I have had an analysis of my tap water it is as below

ph =7.44 @20 degrees c
Ca 75
Mg 8
Na not given
Fe 0.1
NH4 <0.1
NO2 <0.1
CL 18
NO3 5
SO4 9

21.9 french harness which I believe is 219 ppm caco3

water calculators have boxes for Na and carbonate CO3 which I dont have but when I input my 219 ppm hardness figure it inserts a CO3 figure automatically so I assume this is ok
not having a figure for sodium Na is this going to screw up the calculations
any ideas please
I am getting a bitterness appear after the boil stage of my brew ,tasting wort after mash it is sweet ,after boil very bitter which subsides with time i assume this is from hops and maybe due to sulphate chloride ratio
I have been using crs and dls having tested using salfert kit getting 198 ppm (I now realise this was a bit low)
anty comment from more experienced brewers please
Thanks in advance Paul

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You only need certain figures when brewing calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, sulphate, and the alkilinity levels. When you enter those values into the forum water traetment calculator you will see what salts etc you need to add :thumb:
yes thats my point you say you need sodium levels to enter in to calculator
but my report does not give a level my concern is that the water calculator will assume no sodium present as I didnt input a level and recommend a level that is too high
is it actually possible to have water with no sodium in it?
When I first input my water authority figures some were missing. I dropped an email to them and they were very helpful, although watch out the reply doesn't end up in your spam folder. :eek:

I suggest you ask them for all the info you need not just the bit that is missing. :cheers:

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