My kind of Stout!

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Feb 26, 2009
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Hi all had a mad rush brew day today, managed to finish up with seconds to spare as Wez was coming to look around.
Here's the Recipe taken with Bribie's kind permission Thank's again!

Brew length 23ltr
OG 1080
2 Can's Coopers Stout
1KG of Light Spray Malt
750g opps whole bag seemed to empty so 1kg of Detxrose (Glucose)
Now I adapted it slightly as Bribie said when he had done it, it was lacking some Hoppy notes saying "to put in some East Kent Goldings or Styrians pellets into the fermenter after a few days" But not being a hoppy guy I haven't.
But I have added some pre brewed ground Costa Rican Coffee to the Fv then will add some more to taste once finished in the FV.
Have chucked some Notty in to start it off.

Now I need to find someone that likes a good stout that's willing to sample it when ready!!
Looks like a good un i,m sure it'll turn out a winner :thumb:
I like the idea of putting coffee in :hmm:
Goes back to a brew I had 4 yrs ago from Roger of St Austell brewery, He did a coffee Stout that blew me away Really silky smooth heavy coffee taste, you would of thought it was ice coffee until you stood up! Always wanted to try and replicate it, and not being Ag yet thought I'd have a go with this recipe as I looks like it could hold the coffee taste easily.
Less than 24hrs in and I feel like a real brewer, As this is my first batch to leave the nest on it's own accord :thumb:
The lid was taken off so I could mop up a bit. But don't worry the whole area inside the freezer is full of Co2! Thats the Cider next door!


Oh and is it right to eat the froth as it tastes wonderful!!!! Like creamy cappacino :pray: Think this is going to be the Danglers of dogs danglers!
Looks like a proper stout mine do that all the time I tend to put some plastic tubing in the airlock hole then into a demijohn with half a liter of water in the bottom to catch the escaping foam then replace with a ordinary air lock after 48 hours :thumb:
Hi all I have kegged and bottled some of this today. Had a quick check on gravity in the Fv before I went to sample it and do a proper FG but managed to smash the Hyrdometer just after doing a quick dip so it's around 1014 ish. Off to internet shop for refractometer! (was it really an accident? or my brain acting on my best thoughts?) Anyhoo's its come out at 9.1% and has a lovely coffee aroma to it the taste is a bit harsh at the moment but hopefully will mature a bit smoother.
The lucky people receiving 2 bottles each will be Falafael, Commsbiff and Ni9e I shall PM you each for addy's once these are matured going to be at least 8 weeks before I even start sampling this bad boy!
Very happy with that md - really looking forward to trying it (perhaps it's best you keep it til it's matured :oops: ). I'll reciprocate with a couple of my first extract.
Will do CB I'll keep them all until I know it's ready! :drink: I don't mind any returns Just want to see what people think of it.
My oh my! This is lethal stuff!!! I've had a quarter pint sampler and boy I know I've had it! This has split me and the wife as I can't taste much coffee ( I'm a coffee drinker) But she say's there's loads ( Not a coffee Drinker) I'm going to bottle this sometime next week and send it out to the lucky/ unlucky ginea pigs!