will type em all up either tonight or over next day or two, depending on how it goes...
heres the next instalment.
Beetroot Wine
5 lb beetroot
6oz raisins
10 cloves
3 1/4 lb sugar
1/2 oz crushed ginger
1 gallon of water
1/2 oz citric acid
campden tablet
madeira yeast
scrub the beetroot to get rid of any trace of earth. mince, grate or dice the beetroot, add the cloves and ginger and the boil in the water until the beetroot is just tender. stir in 2lb sugar and the chopped raisins. when cool add the acid, nutrient and yeast and pectozyme. ferment for 5 days and strain then add another 1/2lb sugar and continue fermentation by adding 4oz doses as S.G falls below 1.010 and leave for 3 years to mature.
Apple Wine
10-14lb different varietys of windfall apples, sweet and sour
1 1/2 - 2 1/2 lb of sugar togive S.G of 1.080
4 oz raisins or sultanas
7 pints of water
campden tablet
yeast (as you like)
wash the apples and remove any bad portions. put the water into your mashing vessel, together with a crushed campden tablet and a teaspoon of pectozyme. crush the apples a few at a time by putting in a plastic bag and hitting them with a mallet or rolling pin. as they are crushed, add them to the water and they will not go brown. cover and soak for 3 days,strain and press dry the fruit cake. check the S.G and add the chopped raisins and sugar as required depending on sweetness of the apples. ferment as you normally would for choice of yeast.