My first time making beer, and I didn't get instructions!!

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New Member
Jan 15, 2011
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I am totally new to this, I got given a beer making starter kit and want to get into it, but opened it all up to investigate where to start today and could not find any instructions at all!!

It is a Cooper European Lager tin I have which says the instructions are under the lid, but on taking off the plastic top I found only a little packet of yeast!

Does any one have the instructions to go with this they could scan over or does anyone know where I can find some?

I assumed instructions where generic but the more I read the more I find each kit has varying instructions!

Any help would be very gratefully received!

This stress is enough to turn me to drink, but I can't brew any to turn to!


That's brilliant, thank-you!!

One other slightly separate question, in this guide and other places I read they talk about an airlock for the fermenter. In the kit I was given it is a simple large plastic tub with a lid and rubber seal. Is this a problem? Do I do anything differently?

I don't quite understand the question, what sort of fermenter have you got? Beer is usually brewed in a large bucket with a lid and the question about airlocks comes up quite regularly. None of my fermenting bucket lids are drilled for airlocks because none of them are gastight.

However, you mention a rubber seal, so is this a closed fermenter with a screw-on lid?

In that case you would need an airlock and bung, although you could just cover the hole with a clean towel to let the gas escape but keep dust and flies out.