My First Attempt!! (Coopers Australian IPA)

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New Member
Nov 25, 2012
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Hey guys,

Well, after spending a few days reading all the info on this site and expanding my equipment beyond that which was included in the starter kit, I took the plunge last night.mI meant to take pictures but I got too into it and forgot haha! (may have also panicked a little bit when I couldn't cool my wort enough in the FV.

I think it went well, I followed the kit instructions but switched things around a little from advice that I've had and up to now everything seems to be going well, it's busy bubbling away quite nicely downstairs with quite a head on it. Looks to be quite lively! I got an OG of 1.040 I think it was so I'll check it next Saturday and see what it's at.

I'll try and get a few pictures on tomorrow and keep you informed of any developments.

Thanks for all the advice thus far.

:thumb: give it 10 days or so before you bottle or keg. Son just bottled his APA ( christmas present for one of his mates
Will do, would you advise to check the gravity then or just to leave it for ten days and try to forget about it?
forget about it for 10 days............................if you can :twisted:
14 days before even checking with hydrometer. 14 days in bottle and minimum 14 days conditioning .
Seventeen kits down and worked every time :cheers:
Sorry for my ignorance here but I thought when I bottled it I was conditioning it or does that mean chill it for another 14 days?


Two weeks FV
Two weeks Bottle
Two weeks Fridge

Sorry I'm completely new at this :D
I do seven days in FV1
3 or 4Days in FV 2 in cold location like garage.
bottle for 2 weeks in warm of house to carbonate. (it might need 3 weeks in the colder winter months)
2 weeks in the cold garage to condition. I will then test one or two bottles but try to leave the majority of my stock for at least 6 weeks conditioning.
So three days in and after two days of quite frantic bubbling everything appears to have stopped... Not sure if this is normal after such a short period but it smells bloody amazing!
dynamicbrewer said:
So three days in and after two days of quite frantic bubbling everything appears to have stopped... Not sure if this is normal after such a short period but it smells bloody amazing!
yep, it's normal for it to slow down after the initial fermentation period :thumb:

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