my cat fell into my brew

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Well I'm actually quite surprised at you 'orrible lot, it took 18 replies before anyone said “catastrophic” and it looks like I'm going to have to do the other one myself.

Boil it (the wort), cool it, ferment it and I'm sure it will be purrfectly alright.
if it was a stout all you would need was a shot of port and it would be a velvet pussy :lol: :lol:
PMSL - had same problem here a few times - got 3 adult kitts, 1 kitten 4 months and 4 babies.

I use muslin cloth over fermenters initially but use strong elastic cord to secure it - stops the little buggers falling in as they love to jump on top and have a look! :thumb:
:rofl: it is a long time since we had the joy of kittens. Serioulsy I hope it is ok? It will have had to go and wash it all off so good job it wasnt fermented yet or you would have a kitten with a hangover :sick:
Hahaha sorry I have nothing constructive to say!

My dad said when he was younger he made some wine which the dog fell in, never told his mates until after they drunk it. With any luck it will be ok
i dont give a monkeys about your brew - you should have been more careful!

is the cat ok?
culinarian said:

as i was finishing my brew, i put everything in the jug and as i was fastening the cloth ontop, my kitten jumped in, dragging the cloth and string with him.

Is my beer still going to be ok, or is it better to just throw it away and start again?
ditch it mate take no chances, just do another :cheers:
My advice is to get an FV with a real lid if you see this being a problem in the future. Wouldn't want the cat to get hurt :(

So long as the kitten's okay, this is funny as hell :D
As a teenagere I worked picking grapes on a vineyard in France. The farmers dog pissed into a bin of grapes. The farmer just shrugged his shoulders and said "vin ordinair"
The big question is did you ring the cat out? Don't want to wast any! :clap:
How did the poor puss cope with it? Did you have to give her a wash,or did she manage to clear all that sticky goo off her fur on her own?
Thank you for all you replies. It definitely helps me to see the brighter side of things. I instantly laughed about it as i wrapping the poor bugger in a cloth. It was entirely my fault, as my cat seems to have this afliction with sitting on my shoulders, (he was sat there while i was covering the keg, not the whole time). And he just couldn't resist the urge to jump at the string i was using to tie the cloth on top. Novice error i suppose.

I decided to keep the brew going, since i had already pitched the yeast i couldn't reboil it. The brew is coming along nicely, and smelling really delicious. Can't wait until i can enjoy a nice glass of 'Ludo's Bath Water'