my beers gone bad!

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Sep 8, 2008
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Last week, i bottled 86 bottles of lager,in the half pint size, it was a beer kit, when i tried it via syphon, it wasn't bad, but now its been conditioning , i looked today, and theres little 'white' bits clinging to the side of the bottle and floating, and taste wise, it's like vinegar!!
Any ideas what could of gone wrong!!:(

Fed up a bit, because running low on lager!!
At least i still have some bitter!!
Thanks for all replys. :drink:

Been thinking about it now, and i remember that this kit took about 17 days to finish, really slow, and i remember seeing white little blobs on the edge of the fermenting bin.....maybe it was in the bin a bit to long i think now!

One lesson learned..............
I'd be very surprised if it was in the FV for too long. I've had brews in the FV for over 21 days, racked off and they were fine. Even with mould growing on the surface. :shock:

I suspect it got infected. If it's vinegary tasting then it sounds like an infection. I've not had much experience with infections-one of my liquid yeasts turned out a bit vinegary and i binned it. Touch wood that's as far as infection goes for me. You should go over your sterilising procedure and re-evaluate it. You can't over sterilise stuff but you can under sterilise. ;)

Sorry to hear about it mate :(
Thanks meb, was thinking on those lines, as it tasted ok coming out of the fermenting bin, then i must of done something wrong when is steralised the bottles!
Will have to look at a different way of cleaning all the bottles....if anyones got any ideas as to whats the best way to clean 80+ bottles at a time!!
as it tasted ok coming out of the fermenting bin, then i must of done something wrong when is steralised the bottles

Not necessarily. As MEB said, you can have a beer that's got mould on the surface, that tastes fine, and as long as you drink it quickly enough it will be o.k.
If you leave it to condition however, the infection will run wild and spoil your beer.

I supspect the white blobs were mould or bacteria in your fv :cry:
Time to chuck the fv or give it a thorough clean. Make sure it has no scratches, if it does, bin it and get a new fv.
Here is a puzzler for you.

I filled a corny with 19L of beer . . . . After a short time I added 25G of Bobek . . . after three weeks I transferred the beer into two 9L dwarf cornii (One for bottling) . . . one tastes sour (the second one) the other tastes fine although not clear . . . Acetobacter . . . it requires oxygen, so as long as I keep O2 away from the first corny I'm fine ;)
The beer with the bits in, i bottled it likei said, had white things clinging to the side ofthe bottle, put it into the shed, and a few weeks later, it has cleared up!, tastes ok as well, not sure if putting it into the cold had something to do with it or not!!
Brewstew mentioned something in the chat room the other night about making a bottle steriliser from bits and pieces that are easy to get hold of. if you ask him i'll sure he'll tell you, i wasn't paying attention cos i only do 6 at a time these days. I used to brew beers and bottle them, was very yummy too, but get fed up with sterilising so many and shifted my attention to wine after having problems with barrels.

i have a mate who used to run a lab in a wing of a teaching hospital. he brewed belgian beers and bottled them. He used to sterilise his bottles by rinsing them out then putting in the oven, then turning the oven on, SLOWLY raising the temperature, and holding it for about 15 mins i think. can't remember how hot he took the oven too, probably 100'c is plenty hot enough. As soon as they cooled down again he bottled his beer. Quick way to do a batch of bottles. i didn't fancy it, bit phobic about smashed glass when i like being barefoot. but it really shouldn't be a problem, just one of my idiosyncrasies.