My Beer is off

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Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
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I have just come to bottle my london pride clone and found that it had a milky film over the surface and the beer has a sour and sharp taste to it. It has obviously gone off. It has been in the secondry FV for about 4 weeks. I had noticed a slight film on it after fermentation had stopped but thought nothing of it as my last brew a stout did the same. This problem has only occurred after I started AG brewing.

I thought that I was meticulously clean. Any thoughts.


It is very probable that a wild yeast has found it's way into your brew.
When leaving beer that long you need to keep the air out and a blanket of CO2 on top of it.
1 Campden tablet per gal also fights against wild yeast.
It tastes a bit vinegary and I did have a s*$t load of fruit fly's up until we had the cold snap. Anyway I have kept a couple of gallons to make vinegar so all is not lost.

Planning to re brew it when I get chance as I will run out of beer by Christmas and that would not be good. :nono: :nono:


Ahhh . . . The attack of the old vinegar fly ;) . . . That was what Happened to my Design a Brew Wheat Beer . . . and now I'm in the process of deep cleaning the FV to ensure I can brew in it again.

If you are going to leave beer for a period of time you do need to do it in a 'closed' vessel . . . it's surprising just how small a hole those blighters will get through to get at your beer. :evil: :evil:
Had the same problem here recently....the lid on my corny dropped without me realising :sick:

Very disheartening throwing away a full corny of beer :nono:
If it is the fruit fly it obviously coincided with my crossing over to the dark side so obviously me not doing something wrong.

i had a similar white film, on bubbles,on part of the surface of my recent wherry,
i tasted it and tasted fine so i may have caught it in time, :pray:
this was in a sealed fv with an airlock,
ive bottled it and im waiting to taste the result, still very cloudy which i hear is normal with a wherry... :?
artyb said:
i had a similar white film, on bubbles,on part of the surface of my recent wherry,
i tasted it and tasted fine so i may have caught it in time, :pray:
this was in a sealed fv with an airlock,
ive bottled it and im waiting to taste the result, still very cloudy which i hear is normal with a wherry... :?

I think I read somewhere that it starts at the top and works you may be lucky and get away with it.