I got this at half price from Wilco. Normally, of course, I might avoid it, but at £18, worth a stab. It is at least honest. 40% gjc, of which half is chardonnay. So, can you make a chardonnay from 20% chardonnay grape juice? Obviously not. I used 5 litres of Aqua Pura bottled water and 12 litres of alkaline tap water, plus 16 g of Youngs oak chips and 1 g. of tartaric acid. The sg was 1086, which is fine, but the acidity was questionable. The total acid was a mere 2.4 ppt (as tartaric). This is really low. Extra tannin was included, but considering the grape element is only 41%, the natural acidity would be deficient by 60%, resulting in a rather bland wine, which is probably the intention! Not my taste so I added another 4 g, of tartaric acid, which brought the pH to 3.2.
I somewhat misjudged the temperature, pitching the yeast in at about blood temperature, which could be a bit risky, but ok for bread yeast.
Quite honestly, I don't expect much from this brew, but I will keep an open mind.
I somewhat misjudged the temperature, pitching the yeast in at about blood temperature, which could be a bit risky, but ok for bread yeast.
Quite honestly, I don't expect much from this brew, but I will keep an open mind.