Muntons Flagship Milk Stout

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2021
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Hi all,
Has anyone tried this kit, muntons flagship milk stout?
I'm pretty sure its finished but the gravity is still a bit high.
It started at 1054 (20litres) and been going at 19 degrees for 16 days.
It's been sitting at 1022 for 48 hours now.
But the instructions state not to bottle until below 1014. They say it should be 4percent as well, but with these readings it nearly 5.
Has anyone doen this kit?
I reckon the instructions are generic for the whole range and they havent adjusted for the 500g of lactose.
3kg extract and 500g lactose will give you around 1.052 OG in 20l. Lactose is adding about 8 gravity points to that.

S-O4 will get that down to maybe 1.020. You'd never get down to 1.014 with that much lactose and a 70% attenuating yeast.

Without the 500g lactose you'd be expecting an OG of 1.044 and an FG of maybe 1.011 or 1.012.

I think your numbers look ok, but would probably wait until Thursday ot Friday to check any further movement.

Is your hydrometer calibrated?
The hydrometer isnt calibrated, its a cheap one from wilko i think.
The numbers you state there are pretty close to what ive got though arent they.
You've defo put my mind at rest with your reply, so thanks for that.
I will leave and check again in a couple of days, probably ready for bottling on the weekend.
Makes perfect sense to me, never going to get to 1.014 with lactose in it.

Be interested to hear how this turns out as this is one of the flagship kits I've yet to try 👍
I done the american pale ale one a few months ago, Hoppy Malty Citrus, it was very nice.
This one, the stout, tastes pretty good already as well. But i'll let you know. The first kit i ever did was coopers stout, brewed under the stairs in winter, it did not turn out too well, but now with my temp control, i have high hopes.
this is interesting. I did this kit last year, started at 1.050 and stopped at 1.020 (as in no airlock activity and constant gravity readings over a few days). Thought it was stuck so racked and re-pitched more yeast, eventually ended up at 1.018. Was in the FV ages with all the messing around! Although sounds like this was in vain and I needn't have re-pitched.

It was a nice drink though, my mistake was putting it in a keg. I don't drink milk stout that often and it hung around for ages before the keg was empty. Although I recall it got better with age.

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