Moving your brew..

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Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Colchester, Essex
Someone at work pointed out my school boy error, putting the bucket under the kitchen table, obviously i wouldnt be able to syphon very much off :oops: , i had to move it.

Its now sitting on my tackle box in a cupboard (banned from the kitchen).

it should be ok in there!

its a geordie kit and was started on monday, obviously its now a bit shaken, am i right in thinking this should settle ok, thought it would be better to move it sooner rather than later!?
It should be fine at worst its had a little rousing and will settle down again with no problems :thumb:
hang on, I may have been doing this all wrong : , I always leave my brews on the ground and then move them into the kitchen to bottle, should I be bottling where I am brewing?
DONT panic s :D, there's nothing wrong with your method :thumb:
It would be ideal not to move the fv once the yeast and other products of fermentation have settled, but we don't all have that luxury :thumb:
The only problem with moving the fv is excess yeast being disturbed back into the beer. If this happens simply let it rest for a few more days, until the yeast once again settles out of solution :thumb: