Mold on Beer

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Jun 25, 2020
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I moved an English Pale Ale recipe about 6 weeks ago into a fermenter and I haven’t opened it or stirred it since then, mainly due to my own negligence. The beer is covered in mold, am I right that this should be binned? Or is it salvageable? Please let me know.
That looks pretty grim, I’ve never seen anything like that before. Looks to me like what happens to jam if you stick a buttery knife into it. I’m guessing that there must be some kind of foreign body in it to precipitate that. Did you taste it?
I would definitely not drink that. It definitely looks to me like mould, and certain moulds can produce quite nasty toxins. Plus, for mould to grow, I think there must have been oxygen in the headspace, so the beer would almost certainly be very poor anyway.
Thanks guys, I’m not going to risk trying it! Kept it in my store cupboard and somehow something must have got in there! Damn