Milestone raspberry wheat beer kit - anyone tried it?

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Jul 4, 2010
Reaction score
Dunfermline, Fife
just noticed the above kit on the brewUK website, has anyone bought this or started brewing it? it sounds quite nice!
is there a big difference in taste between a normal beer and a wheat beer?
:cheers: :cheers: mark
I've got one of these reserved at my LHBS, unfortunatley they havn't been able to stock this item yet as their distributor doesn't have any in stock yet ! Is this a problem nationaly?

N.B They have had two promotional bottles at my LHBS which were apparantley verry good.
abeyptfc said:
just noticed the above kit on the brewUK website, has anyone bought this or started brewing it? it sounds quite nice!
is there a big difference in taste between a normal beer and a wheat beer?
:cheers: :cheers: mark

MMM I'm curious, how's this one working out?
cool , keep us posted on this - sampled a few fruity beers whilst in brussels a while back and really liked them. Couldn't drink it all night, but nice for a wee change
Just happened to see this kit in my LHBS at lunchtime when purchasing (another!) Woodfordes Nelsons Revenge (can't get enough of that stuff). Defo be interested to know what the raspberry wheat one is like though as don't fancy doing a whole kit if its not great (although I have to say all the previous ones I've had from Milestone have been excellent and I have high hopes for the Dasher the Flasher I'm about to start on).

This ones in the F.V. at the moment, a bit dissapointed to find a packet of rasberrry essence in the kit I was expecting concentrate in the can as in the brewferm frambois.

I will update when it's finished.
NellyP said:
Just happened to see this kit in my LHBS at lunchtime when purchasing (another!) Woodfordes Nelsons Revenge (can't get enough of that stuff). Defo be interested to know what the raspberry wheat one is like though as don't fancy doing a whole kit if its not great (although I have to say all the previous ones I've had from Milestone have been excellent and I have high hopes for the Dasher the Flasher I'm about to start on).

the dasher the flasher kit is lovely,nice red colour and a great head and lacing. I'm not a huge ale fan to be honest but I really like this kit, thats why I bought the raspberry kit as its from milestone aswell. I've had it bottled for a while,tried a few although it was meant to be my 'xmas kit!', I wasn't going to have a drink tonight but you've just reminded me that they are sitting out in the garage and I've not had one in a while for quality control purposes. I'll need to battle through a bout 20 feet of snow!
abeyptfc said:
NellyP said:
Just happened to see this kit in my LHBS at lunchtime when purchasing (another!) Woodfordes Nelsons Revenge (can't get enough of that stuff). Defo be interested to know what the raspberry wheat one is like though as don't fancy doing a whole kit if its not great (although I have to say all the previous ones I've had from Milestone have been excellent and I have high hopes for the Dasher the Flasher I'm about to start on).

the dasher the flasher kit is lovely,nice red colour and a great head and lacing. I'm not a huge ale fan to be honest but I really like this kit, thats why I bought the raspberry kit as its from milestone aswell. I've had it bottled for a while,tried a few although it was meant to be my 'xmas kit!', I wasn't going to have a drink tonight but you've just reminded me that they are sitting out in the garage and I've not had one in a while for quality control purposes. I'll need to battle through a bout 20 feet of snow!

Snow, what snow?!! We've probably had all of about 2 inches in the South Birmingham area, to be honest I feel a bit left out that everyone else seems to be pulling together to face the adverse weather and we've been left "out in the cold" so to speak! :(

Anyway, good to hear the Dasher will be worth waiting for. I bottled it about a month ago but didn't give it enough time in the house for the secondary (usually go for a week but probably not enough due to colder weather) so had to bring it back in the other week. Think I'll have a go at the weekend for, as you say, quality control. :drink: