Method of juice extraction

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Aug 25, 2012
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North Essex
I havent heard of anyone else doing this, so it might be original.
If I want to extract the juice from for example tinned peaches, I tip the whole tin into a wizzer and blend thoroughly. I then funnel it into a 2 litre plastic (supermarket fizzy water) bottle. I top up full with tap (or boiled /cooled if you are fussy) water and add the tip of a teaspoon of the dried yeast I am going to use for the fermentation. Screw the lid down and give a good shake. Leave overnight, and the solids will have been taken to the top of the bottle by the yeast, forming a lump about a fifth of the volume, with almost clear juice below.
Now put the bottle in a bucket or similar and loosen the cap. Then with a bradawl or pointed scissors carefully prick a hole in the bottle near to the bottom. The juice will run out into the bucket and the solids will slowly descent down the bottle in a lump. When they get nearly to the hole put your finger over it and throw the bottle away. Add the extracted juice to the rest of your ingredients and ferment.
A simple way of getting nearly all the juice out of any soft fruit, and easier than straining it out later.
(PS dont forget to loosen the cap BEFORE pricking the bottle or you may get splashed!).
This sounds pretty cool. I suspect I'll be trying it at some point.

But I wonder - maybe, if you left that bottle upsidedown overnight, you could just unscrew the cap instead of having to pierce it?
oldbloke said:
This sounds pretty cool. I suspect I'll be trying it at some point.

But I wonder - maybe, if you left that bottle upsidedown overnight, you could just unscrew the cap instead of having to pierce it?
The pinprick is better as the steady stream helps keep the sludge in a lump. I think it would be difficult to control loosening the cap as the stream would be coming upwards out of the cap all over your hand. Bottles are free anyway.
oldbloke said:
This sounds pretty cool. I suspect I'll be trying it at some point.

But I wonder - maybe, if you left that bottle upsidedown overnight, you could just unscrew the cap instead of having to pierce it?

Doing this and piercing the neck of the bottle might get a bit more juice out before the sediment reaches the hole.
jtbutcher said:
oldbloke said:
This sounds pretty cool. I suspect I'll be trying it at some point.

But I wonder - maybe, if you left that bottle upsidedown overnight, you could just unscrew the cap instead of having to pierce it?

Doing this and piercing the neck of the bottle might get a bit more juice out before the sediment reaches the hole.

Problem with fizz bottles is the necks are the thickest part. PLus being round, the scissors/bradawl would be liable to skid off and get your finger instead. Believe me 1/2" from the bottom is easy.
If you wanted re-useable you could glue a presta valve off an old inner tube to the bottom of the bottle and let it out like a tap :D
That is just backwards of how I collect the wine left at the bottom of carboys after racking. Funnel what is left into a two liter plastic bottle and sit in fridge. In a couple days all the lees and solids will collect to the bottom. Then sit in a large clean glass bowl and prick a hole about a half inch above the solids and let it slowly drip out. No solids will be disturbed and you can get every last bit of liquid back. Mike