Maximum time in primary

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Chris K

New Member
Mar 12, 2013
Reaction score
I am on my 3rd brew now and like my previous brews have been a bit slow to start. Will look into better aeration and a starter yeast for next time.
With this particular brew (a 2 gallon 5.9% IPA batch) I am now at 15 days and I don;t think fermentation is finished. Gravity readings are too high and still dropping, beer is very cloudy and still occasional bubbling. My dilema is can I leave this the extra few days it needs in primary or will I start getting off flavours due to dead yeast as I am now past the often stated 2 week period? Does the fact my batch took 3 or 4 days to get started mean I can get away with 3-4 extra days? Should I buy myself another couple of carboys and go for secondary or just wait a likkle longer and bottle?
Leave it to finish. Three weeks is fine, I've gone to four before and that was fine. If it's still dropping, it's still fermenting!!

What was your expected FG and what is the SG now?

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