Maturing 1086OG ~8.5% Porter

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Jan 4, 2013
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OK so I have a strong porter on the go and I intend to mature it for at least a few months perhaps till September.

1. If I decide to bottle should it go straight in to the bottle when FG is reached or should I mature for a month or two in a keg then bottle? (As suggested in one of Gordon Wheeler's books)

2. If i decide to mature and serve form a keg will it be OK in a corny for a long time and will it mature OK in the corny.

I'm leaning towards bottling as I'm not sure if I want to put a keg out of commission for that amount of time, I also have King Kegs so thats another option and what I would use if maturing before bottling.
Hi J, I don't know about the corny kegs as i only bottle but for me i would bottle at finish of ferment or FG & condition as usual then store for a couple of months or more. :cheers: ken.
When I have done really strong AG brews I have found the final few degrees take quite a while to go down. If you bottle too early you may over carbonate. I used to finish mine in demijohns under airlock so you can be sure of no oxydation and check for the bubbles to completely stop. I used to add another yeast starter to make sure of a secondary fermentation. Dave Line recommended 1 week maturation for every degree final gravity.
I reckon it'd condition well regardless of where you put it. I am aware of GWs barrel maturing prior to bottling but I'd just stick it in the bottle and be done with it.
oldjiver said:
When I have done really strong AG brews I have found the final few degrees take quite a while to go down. If you bottle too early you may over carbonate. I used to finish mine in demijohns under airlock so you can be sure of no oxydation and check for the bubbles to completely stop.

After 48 hours it had reached 1036 so I racked it off to a 5 gallon plastic wine fermenter so I suppose it would be OK leaving it for a few days after the demijohn had stopped bubbling and it would be OK with a few backwards bubbles as the CO2 layer will protect it.
I have done it both way's with big beers. The problem with bulk maturing beer is that th yeast can drop out and you may run the risk of bottles not carbing which is what happened to me. The last two I just matured for 2-3 weeks then bottled.

If you do plan to mature it leave it a good 6 months and if you can keeps some back and hide them away for a year or so, you will thank me if you manage it. failing that send it to me and I will look after it :whistle: :whistle:
Jimmy321 said:
After 48 hours it had reached 1036 so I racked it off to a 5 gallon plastic wine fermenter

If my recent IIPA was anything to go by, I'd be leaving it at least another couple of weeks. Mine went quickly (well, 4 days) down to about 1.022 from 1.085, but then took well over a week to get down to 1.015 where it settled.

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