Mash tun - done!!

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Apr 30, 2009
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just finished making my mash tun - thanks to everyone who`s helped me by answering loads of questions!!

the cool box was 17 quid and bits of copper, tap etc was around 20 quid - i`ve enough left over to make a sparge arm so really pleased!

also made a hop filter for my boiler - will be doing my first AG tommorrow ( in the garden so hope it doesn`t rain!!)
cheers prolix - can`t wait for my first brewday proper!! feel like a kid at christmas!! Will be posting the day tommorrow when i`m done - my first brew is gonna be called Pacific Gold !! :cheers: :drink: :thumb:
cheers commsbiff - it passed the leak test so should be good - just the rest of the brewday to get right!!

oh well a few turbo ciders tonight should help!! :drunk:
keeping it straight forward for the first one with my own little recipe ( advice taken from aleman!)

Pacific Gold -

5kg maris otter
300g crystal malt

30grams pacific gem - 90mins
30grams first gold - 10mins

s-04 yeast

should give me a nice hoppy (52.9ibu) 5% ale!!
i can`t wait to start experimenting with different hops etc - after brewing about 15kits since may (with mixed results) the dark side called :twisted:

:cheers: bring on the hops !!
Great work, look forward to hearing how the brew goes :thumb:
Good luck on losing your cherry :D I`m brewing tomorrow, every thing prepared tonight. mash on when I get up then breky.