New Member
+1 for CRS to reduce the alkalinity & I'd be tempted to keep it as simple as that for the first brew and adapt & improve your methods once you've tried the beer.
I like the look of the recipe - can't go wrong with cascade -are you going to dry hop as well?
10% dark crystal is quite a lot IMO and you may want to use a bit less in the 1st brew and add more next time if you think it needs it.
Dare i say it but given the price of grain I may do a small scaled down mash to see where the pH ends up to see how much CRS to add for the full mash. Then discard the test batch. Wasteful I know but may pay off for the full batch.
The recipe for reference is based on one of the Greg Hughes recipes - Cascade single hopped.
I have changed hop quantities to comply with the AA% hops I have access too. The original recipe calls for 5% AA and I plan on using ~9% so reduced to meet the same IBU. While im on hops - do high AA hops have a high "quantity" of flavour to impart. So should I reduce the quantity of late addition hops since they are higher AA? I have currently scaled down all hop additions.
The reason I spec'd a reasonably high level of dark malt was to reduce mash pH and suit my water profile without need for massive water treatment - not primarily not dark malts are for. So I will likely revised the dark malt quantities. Do you have a malt suggestion for darkening pales and complying with the dry flavour of a hoppy pale? Crystal seemed middle of the road for me - not too dark and toasty but enough to darken without adding too much.