Mash efficiency

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May 19, 2009
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Corby. Northants
evening fellow brewers

Ive recently finished my 3rd AG brew and got a very good mass efficiency thanks to tubbyshaws calculation it works out to 92%, so i was wondering if someone can tell me in plane english how you work out the efficiencyof a mash

Dave Siv
I'll try.

Mash Efficiency

Brew maths is really quite simple.

How it works is all malts and adjuncts etc give a different gravity.
The specifications are all written as H.W.E which is "hot water extract", with sugar being the highest at 386, so everything else is given as a % of that. ie, pale malt is around 81% which gives you around 309.
This is the total gravity you can get with 1 kilo in 1 litre but it is impossible to get this, this is 100% efficiency.
The same goes for American calculationss but its in P.P.G which is the gravity of 1 pound in 1 gallon. The same specs are used ie. 81% for pale malt gives you 37 points of gravity.

So a simple example to work out the total potential for 5 kg of pale malt in 23 litres is
5 x 309 / 23 = 67 (1.067)

Now to work out your efficiency you divide the gravity you achieved with this brew. Say you have 1.050 so 50/67 =.74 so you achieved 74% efficiency.
Then next time when you do the calc. 5 x 309 /23 =you simply times this by .74 .
This gives you your expected gravity.

For your first batches I would stick to using about 65 to 70%.
So do the 5 x 309/ 23 = 67.
then times 67 by .65 = 43(1.043)

PS: the HWE numbers are usually all on the malt craft sites. Other malts like crystal malt are around 75%. Some malts can be lower and some higher.
To get the number times 386 by the percent as a decimal point ie pale malt at 81% gives you 386 x .81 =312
Some examples:
Ale -------81% X 386 = 312
Hoepfner Munich----80% 308
Melanoiden--------- -80%
Caramalt pils---------79% 305
Crystal---------------- 75%

Say the HWE is 308 litre degrees per kilogram for a malt.
That means 5kg in 20L will give you : (308 x 5)/20 = 77. i.e. 1.077 SG at 100% efficiency. Multiply that by your efficiency (eg. 75%) gives you 77 x 0.75 = 57.75 or close enough to 1.058.

Alternatively, use BeerSmith or a similar program, and it will work it out for you.
That is one excellent post Warra!
Never thought of using %'s before.
Your figures differ some what from mine, white sugar being 375 degs/kg/ltr.
So from that I get:-
Pale malt = 80%
Crystal malt = 63%
Flaked barley = 81%
Flaked maize = 81%
Demerara = 96%

Is there a definitive standard set down any where?

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