March Brew and Swap and beyond.

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In need of constant supervision
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Dec 28, 2018
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Ballinderry Upper
Most of the Rye IPA reviews are in, spring has sprung (except in Upper Ballinderry where the snow is 3 inches think on my doorstep) and its time to think about the next few collaborative brews.

March Brew - the slow burner, Imperial Stout
In a change to last years format, we decided to include a slow brew. The swap date is end of October, so brew anytime from now and let it age for 6-odd months. I’m quite excited by this one myself and will be going large on both the recipe and fermentation to see how it turns out compared to the rest of the field.

June Swap Bonus Brew - Dealers choice between English Bitter or Belgian Wit
It seems the prospect of not swapping in a couple of months time was too much for a few members so I’ll happily shake the Magic 8-Ball of beer again in the Spring. If you have either a bitter or a wit to share with other members come late June then join in. I think I’m going Wit at the minute, but that will change at least twice between now and brew day.

Summer Swap - Pale Ales, sub style TBA
Most likely brew in June and swap in July. This was going to be the Belgian brew, but given the Brew Like A Monk announcement I’m switching the running order.

Autumn Swap - Belgian Beer
No sub-style. Either share your Brew Like A Monk entry and feedback OR if you didn’t enter the comp, brew and share the Belgian beer you would have otherwise.

Thanks to @Stu's Brews for the heads up on the NAB comp, link below.
Thread 'Norwich Amateur Brewers - Brew Like A Monk (14 October 2023)'
Norwich Amateur Brewers - Brew Like A Monk (14 October 2023)
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Thanks for organising @Alastair70.

I've got all the ingredients in for my Imperial Stout but still need to figure out exactly when I can get it brewed!

Moving the Belgian brew to align with the competition is a great idea. I was wrestling with that yesterday whilst looking at the brew schedule. Gonna have to go update it again though! 🙈
I've also decided to take the plunge on the Imp Stout, got all the ingredients sat in the utility room!
All grain brewing was a big plunge for me a few years back, this Impy is just one more leap of many. What could possibly go wrong, it’s not not like I just scored sub-20 in a national or anything… Oh ****, forget that bit 😂
What Belgian are you brewing, and have you entered it in Brew Like A Monk?
I feel like I've already answered this question:
brew a Belgian (either my Radieuse, or a Tripel Karmeleit - depending on what turns out better).

Haven't entered BLAM yet... I was going to wait to see if they are as good as I hope... but given I plan on brewing both, I have two bites at the cherry so I may as well enter. Comps aren't my thing, but why not 🤷
Just tested my Imperial Stout and so far so good, which as the brew day was a mare is quite surprising. Down to 1.024 hopefully after another week should be done.
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Bottled my Imperial Stout today, ended up in the fermenter for just shy of six weeks. Didn’t drop much more so it has ended up at 7.9% which is just under the guide lines.

Oh my god bottling is a nightmare took ages, ended up with 21 bottles plus managed to break one. The capper has gone in the bin 🤣
Bottled my Imperial Stout today, ended up in the fermenter for just shy of six weeks. Didn’t drop much more so it has ended up at 7.9% which is just under the guide lines.

Oh my god bottling is a nightmare took ages, ended up with 21 bottles plus managed to break one. The capper has gone in the bin 🤣
I'm curious what gravity yours finished at. Mine is down around 1.020 - that's the ispindle reading which is usually 4-5 points higher than the actual reading. It has been quiet, but occasionally drops a point. It was 3 days at 1.021 then dropped. I'm fairly confident it has finished fermenting. How come bottling was a nightmare?

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