Does anyone have any idea for a recipe for this, specifically with black or peated malts, I'm probably not going to have a chance to make a beer for a fair while so want to actually use these malts instead of letting them go to waste.
I've brewed Belgian wheat wines and American and UK barley wines but not ever brewed or heard of a "malt wine." What are the specs on something like that? I'd be up to the challenge of designing a recipe but I'm not familiar with the category at all!
I don't think they have enough diastatic power on their own to convert. They are basically used as character malts on top of a strong base malt that can do the conversion work.
Or are you still planning to use extract along with these?
I was just wondering if they could be used to make a wine on their own, I don't want to buy any malt extract, if I did that I might as well just make a beer. IT was more wondering if those flavours could be used to make a wine.
I think I'll let the wine experts answer that. But for anything fermentable, you have to have a base that will provide the majority of the sugars whether it be fruit juice, honey, or malt starches converted to sugars. Something has to feed the yeast.