Malt Miller

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Jun 10, 2019
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on the island
I see MM is now doing fresh wort kits, i think this is a great idea for people who have young familys and busy lives and people who do the more expensive extract kits, won't be long before the tax man jumps on home brewing' tax at sorce come's to mind
See that David Heath has done a video on this. Selection from The MM is limited at the moment but the wort could be used as a basis for experimentation, different yeasts, dry hops, etc. Fresh - Wort - Beer Kits offer a wider range.

Won’t be everybody’s cup of tea but options for those short on time.
What's the difference between a "fresh wort beer kit" and any other extract based beer kit, say Woodford's Wherry, for example?
Clarence fresh wort doesn’t have most of the water extracted like extract does and uses the water the brewer intended, not what comes out of your tap, so it should be top notch quality.