Malolactic culture

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pomme homme

Apr 10, 2010
Reaction score
The wild west of France!
Can someone suggest a source of malolactic culture - for inducing malolactic fermentation in the juice from high acid red grapes - that does not involve either buying in commercial quantities or paying an exhorbitant price!
Interesting, never heard of this. Why is it necessary, what does it do and is it used commercially?
Thanks, cap'n. I'd taken a look at that US site and thought that its prices fell into my second category, namely exorbitant price. But maybe all malolactic cultures are priced at around $15 a gram!
Bru4u said:
Cant see why the link don't work, just copy & paste
The syntax is, ignoring the aprostrophe after the first [ (I only put it there to disable the function)
Try this ['url=]link.[/url]
It ends up as; Try this link.
Hope it helps.

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