Lowicz juices

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Mar 20, 2013
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i see a few brewers use Lowicz in there cider and wines but what ones work well?

iv got the cherry in a tc at the mo.
my local shop has got 6-7 different ones. see a apple and mint one i think it might boost my tc's or the rasp/lime.

im going to try the cheery one in my stout as instead sugar only going to test on a small batch
I've only used them for TC, but..

Cherry - very good
Raspberry - very good
Blackcurrant - excellent, best of them all

I haven't yet tried the strawberry or orange versions. And that's all the flavours I've found so far. I plan on trying a mixed raspberry/strawberry/blackcurrant TC.
agreed excellent stuff, just drop it in the glass though saves on the artificial sweetners
i got a bottle of apple and mint today so dropped 200ml in with 1L aj and strong tea going to give it a week then top up with more aj the sg was 1.090.

got a few polish shops locally i see one had a apple and cherry . so might try thats as an ade of some sort
Did a TC with raspberry in, nice flavour but tasted a little tart but ok with some cheap asda brand sweetener in before bottling.. :thumb:
The blackcurrant version in TC is my favourite drink so far :D Mine is currently 4 months old and the most drinkable thing I've made yet. 5 gallon batch next time! Highly recommended :thumb:
Pete H said:
How much would you have to add for a 5 gallon brew?

The recomended dilution rate is 1:9.
I used one bottle to 16 litres of AJ and 3.5litres of water in a 20 litre batch of Raspberry TC and it was very good a just raspbery enough without dominating the life out of the drink.
The strawberry syrup i used to prime some lager - i used 10ml per litre bottle and it was overkill, too sweet and too "Jammy".
KC :thumb:
Pete H said:
How much would you have to add for a 5 gallon brew?


In a gallon batch I use a full bottle of Lowicz. In five gallons I'd go with three or four - just to take the edge off the strength (but I'm happy to dilute in the glass when serving).
Thanks for that!

I know i may sound like a big girl here but wont the syrup add a lot more calories to the cider than using fresh fruit or fruit juices?

The only reason I mention this is because SWMBO is licking her lips at the though of all these ciders im planning but I know the question will be on the way as to how this will effect her love handles!


Just had a quick look on the link, looks and sounds great, will def be giving this one a go

Cheers mate
I've done the "alcopop" version too, and it's drinkable, but a bit thin and just not as satisfying as cider...but that's just me! It would have helped if I'd added some sweetener probably :roll: I use one bottle of syrup to 10 litres of AJ, or half a bottle to 4.5 litres.

Calorie-wise, I've heard that alcohol has 7kcal per gram, while carbohydrates/sugar have 4kcal per gram. Although since alchol is less dense than sugar solution I'm not sure if that really means anything :wha: (i.e. will a pint of apple juice contain more - or less -calories than a pint of dry cider?)

The syrup will add more sugar and therefore more calories, but if the drink is stronger then less of it might get drunk... Commercial ciders are packed full of sugars (and sweetener) so could be more calorific than homemade... :hmm: I would be interested to know the answer!
I have just bought 2 bottles of Lowicz raspberry in tescos for £1 a bottle :D

I saw it in sainsburys at £1.29 too :shock:

Where can I get the other flavours from? :hmm:
There isn't any polish shops by me :sulk:
I add the syrup to the glass as I find my TC tart/acidic so it a flavouring and sweetener.
well i did a 1.5l of aj and 100ml of cherry. started to clear today so the sample is very nice. the cherry flavour is is a little strong but ice cold will good and a summers day if it every gets here