Lowering SG of a recipe

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2008
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I might try a robust porter next but the recipe I have comes in at 6.5%. I would like to bring t down to about 5.5%, should I reduce the pale malt until I get 5.5% or just water down the whole recipe?
Personally I would drop the whole grain bill until it comes out at your desired OG but you keep the percentages the same, you might want to look at altering the IBU's as they could get thrown off balance in a slightly weaker brew.
Vossy1 said:
I might try a robust porter next but the recipe I have comes in at 6.5%. I would like to bring t down to about 5.5%

I think you'll have to re-name 'not quite as robust, as robust porter at 5.5% :lol:


I can't believe it's not robust porter :lol: :lol:
Gonna keep the recipe to the original recipe, and might even make vanilla robust porter, sounds yummy :D . Not sure yet though how much vanilla extract to add at bottling.I only have crystal 60L and crystal 30L (light crystal), so I suppose I should use the 30L?

This is recipe for robust porter @44 litres.

10.33 kg. Maris Otter Pale inf
1.32 kg. Munich Malt info
0.87 kg. Crystal Malt 40°L info
0.66 kg. English Chocolate Malt info
0.44 kg. British Black Patent info
96.92 g. East Kent Goldings (Whole, 5.00 %AA) boiled 60 min. info
40.7 g. Fuggle (Whole, 4.75 %AA) boiled 15 min. info
40.7 g. East Kent Goldings (Whole, 5.00 %AA) boiled 1 min. info
Yeast : WYeast 1056 American Ale info

mash @ 67 C for 60 min
carbonate to 2.5 volumes
Original Gravity 1.065
Terminal Gravity 1.015
IBU = 37
Alcohol 6.5%

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