For 1 gallon (5 litres)
6 Mangoes (I used Alphonso Mangoes, mild mango flavour and very sweet)
220g White Grape Concentrate
500g sugar
1 1/2 tsp pectolase
1 campden tablet (crushed)
water to top
General Purpose Yeast (Youngs)
peel and Mash mangoes and add to a bucket (including mango stones), cover with water and add pectolase and campden
24 hours later, add yeast
After a week, sieve contents of the bucket into a DJ, add sugar and Grape Concentrate, top up to the shoulder with water
Once fermentation has calmed down top up the DJ to the neck.
Rack after 2 months
Bottle 3 months after that
Ready to drink after a further 2 months although will improve more given time.